Together We Bridge the Gaps

About Us

We are a US-based nonprofit organization providing support to build a safer bridge for the underserved community in Rural Ethiopia.

Our Mission

Este Rural Development, Inc. is a The Landscape nonprofit organization engaged in projects and endeavors in the Este Woreda of South Gondar, Ethiopia, to improve the quality of life of the community in the areas of health, education, safety, and agricultural productivity. Projects that have the highest impact on the youth, the women, and small holder farmers will be given priority in order to result in the maximum benefit to the community.

Why Saga Brige?

Why Saga Bridge?

Saga Bridge Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in GA. It is solution-focused incorporation committed to the needs of the rural community in Ethiopia. Currently, in the process of bridge construction over Saga river in South Gondar, Ethiopia. Building this bridge will prevent further life loss during the heavy rainy season. Many people and cattle die each year trying to cross this river. The Saga river becomes full during the rainy season. During this time, the rural community people are unable to go to the nearest city for medical treatment or shopping for up to two months due to the absence of a bridge. 

Este is the nearest city to the rural community. Many folks have to go to Este for medical and shopping needs on a frequent basis. During winter, the community people will have to wait up to two months to cross the river until the river is no longer full, due to the absence of a bridge.

Having a bridge over the Saga River will make it possible for the rural community to travel to Este without having to walk two additional hours to go across the nearest bridge.

5 Years in Action

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About The Founder

Messeret Yohannes is a board certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, currently residing in Atlanta, GA, USA. Messeret is originally from south Gondar, Ethiopia. At age 12, Messeret moved to Dire Dawa where her father was residing and completed her primary and secondary education before migrating to the United States.

Messeret always had the desire to support the rural community where she was born where her mother and extended family still live at which she credits for laying the foundation of her life during her formative years. Living in this community at early age has helped Messeret understand the various facets of the struggle of rural life. She believes together, we can improve the quality of life of the rural community residents at least in the most critical areas such as providing clean water, establishing a school, and constructing a pedestrian bridge.

Her vision is to teach, to inspire others give back to their community, and to be the voice for those who can not speak for themselves.

Our Goals

All donations 100% will go to support 3 main programs: Bridge Construction, Education and Modernize Farming. Our project is working with the local community and we’ve achieved great successes.


Development Goals


The Pregnancy


Infant Mortality


Maternal Health

The Community Needs Your Help!